Current Fundraisers


As we step into 2025, why not make one simple resolution... to give regularly and make a difference every single month!

This year, you can commit to being a steady force for good. With a residential capacity for 46 kids at a time here at Nashua Children’s Home, your monthly donation can provide us with the funds we need to give these kids happy memories.

Your donations will go toward creative activities, excursions (i.e., amusement parks, museums, zoos, farms, festivals, hayrides, sporting events), summer day-camp registrations, birthday parties and so much more, plus the support we need to make it all happen!

Ready to make 2025 your year of giving? Setting a recurring monthly donation is easy – set it and forget it and turn your resolution into real, lasting impact. 

Click here (or on the wish list button) to donate much needed items from our Amazon wishlist!

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